Friday, January 21, 2011

My Silly Billy Will

Andy was flexing for me and said something about the vein in his arm, William suddenly says "Maybe its because Matthew has been jumping so much." - Uh WHAT?

"When I'm 17 I can have a girlfriend and go to the movies with her."

"When I'm 17 I can go shopping at the mall with my girlfriend."

"Mom, look at this bouncy ball I got from the school store, but it doesn't bounce." I looked at the ball and I said, "Well that is because its a hackey sack, you kick it." he then said "Oh like a soccer ball" I said "No soccer balls bounce." He just looked confused after that.

"My freckles and birth mark might turn white in the sun."

"I'm not good at baseball just hitting the ball."

"Mom, why did you come get me late from school?" - I actually picked him up early from school.

"Cheetos are healthy because their made of candy!" - he said this when he was 3 or 4, my neighbor just reminded me!

"You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!"

"Boom, Bang, Firepowar!"

"Are you spitting or throwing up?"

"Hey look there is a fire hydrant!" - as an ambulance passed us with its lights and siren going.

"I think my mommy has a baby sister in her belly or maybe twin brothers" - well we know there is only one..

"I think I like this meatloaf, it doesn't taste yucky in my mouth"

"Hey (with his finger pointed at me) don't treat me like a baby, I can make my own breakfast!"

"I want to be a teacher when I grow up, just like Indiana Jones!!"

"I just don't know about that Jesus, I've never seen him before."

We took him to see Transformers 2: Revenge of the fallen. Now everything that is coming out that is a sequel is revenge of fill in the blank, for example Will said, "Mom, let's go see Ice Age 2 Revenge of the Dinosaurs...!!" LOL!

"That little baby girl is really cute, but mommy you are 500 million times beautiful"

"If you were in a hive you would see all the golden honey, but only tiny people can go in hives, like Leperchauns. Hey Leperchauns like gold and honey is golden..." Way to bring that whole random thought together buddy!

"I'm going to go to Calinfornia for my birthday!!!"

"Me and Tyler are BFF'S" I ask him if he knows what that means, he says "Ya that we like to play with each other, duh!" I say "Me and Debi are BFF's!" He responds (while rolling his eyes) "That's just crazy mommy."

While in the daycare at The DIfference he was leading the other kids in exercising. When we got done he told me that "Nobody was doing it right, and I had to show them how to punch and kick"

"ploppy" in response to dad saying, "say something funny"

While talking to his dad, "Dad I want to have a beard like yours someday." Dad, "You will be able to grow one when you get older." W, "Well I want one right now so I can get married and be a dad..."

"Mommy I can make eggs and peanut butter sandwhiches all by myself..."

"Well, I fink (think) I need to play the Wii for 5 minutes so that I can be happy and relaxed before bed..."

"I will teach my brother to go potty!"

"I can't wait to go to High School, I saw what its like on High School Musical, and it will be awesome!"

"When I grow up I'm going to marry Lily, not the dog Lily, the human Lily"

"I don't like the smell of that shampoo, I can taste it in my toungue"

My neighbor Debi asked him why he threw a piece of chalk, he responded, "I dunno, my brain controls me"

"I want to go on bacation to Texas so I can wear a funny big hat"

"Heavenly Father don't be mad at mommy for yelling and saying bad words" at least he was asking for forgiveness for me!

"mommy, did you and daddy name me or did Heavenly Father?"

"mommy do you have a baby sister in your belly" I reply no like always, then he responds with, "well then why is your belly so big?" Ya my ego is still suffering.....

"That was totally awesome" - after his first ride down the water slide on his birthday.

"I can only wear comfy shorts and my trasformer shirt nothing else looks good"

"I want Hailey to come aunt me" (translation= he wants aunt Hailey to babysit him...)

"When I grow up I want to be a worker" I ask "What kind of worker" he responds "You know a worker that works"

"Only chocolate is for little boys not for mommies"
"If I don't play with friends they will miss me and I know they will cry so I have to play with my friends so they don't cry"

This is a conversation that happened while we were in California and I didn't want to forget it, William and a little girl were looking at some baby chicks. Little girl, "I know everything about chickens." William "Oh well I know everything about transformers." The little girl's face was priceless, too bad we didn't get it on film...

"I want two sisters and then I can have one and Matthew can have one"

"Matthew said my name, but only I can hear him say it!!"

"I have lots of games that I can play in my magination, do you want to play them with me?"

"Let's just go to the bank to get some money, they have lots of it there, and then we can go buy me a trasformer"

"I don't like to run because it makes me have to take a rest"

"My brother can't play with that toy because it costs 57962 dollars"

"Mommy why can't I marry you?"

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